Celebration Worship is the global expression of God’s family pursuing God’s Kingdom at Celebration Church. With songs such as “Victory,” “Let Your Spirit Fall,” “Thy Faithfulness,” “My Soul Will Sing,” and “You Amaze Us,” Celebration Worship has created eight self-released worship albums featuring Dove Award Winning artists: Matt Adcox and Paul Wilbur. Along with these talented artists, Lindsey Brenner, Marie Hodges, Ryan Hodges, Lina Bosque, Edwin Garcia, and Kierre Lindsay.
Each project produced is the evidence of God moving and breathing life into our team. Our passion is to lead God’s people into His presence. This is birthed from a place of first stewarding and living lives of worship personally. As you explore our music, we pray that you would encounter Jesus in a tangible way, wherever you may find yourself listening. Let’s pursue God’s kingdom through worship together.