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Sleep in Heavenly peace Sleep in Heavenly peace. Couplet 2. Silent night Holy night Shepherds quake at the sight. Pré-Refrain. Glory streams from Heaven afar Heavenly host sing hallelujah. Refrain. Christ the Saviour is born Christ the Saviour is born. Pont. I love You Lord I worship You Hope which was lost now stands renewed.
And thought how as the day had come The steeples of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on Earth Good-will to men. Chorus. I heard them ringing I heard them ringing All across the Earth I heard them ringing The bells remember They ring forever Unto us a child is born Our Savior. Tag.
Hillsong Worship - The Peace Project. Aperçu dans Apple Music Aperçu dans Spotify Tous les chants de The Peace Project Plus de Hillsong Worship. Version originale. Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original. En savoir plus. Tonalité: F BPM: 75 Mesure: 6/8 Durée: ...
Peace Has Come 2014. A Beautiful Exchange 2010. God Is Able 2011. Saviour King 2007. O Praise the Name (Anástasis) 2015. OPEN HEAVEN / River Wild 2015. Grace To Grace 2016. Let There Be Light 2016. What A Beautiful Name 2017. What a Beautiful Name EP 2017. There Is More 2018. There Is More: Studio Sessions 2018.
Hillsong Worship - The Peace Project. Aperçu dans Apple Music Aperçu dans Spotify Tous les chants de The Peace Project Plus de Hillsong Worship. I Intro. C1 Couplet 1. Tr Transition. C2 Couplet 2. Tr Transition. R Refrain. Is Instrumental. C3 Couplet 3. Tr Transition. R Refrain. Is Instrumental. P Pont. Tr Transition. C4 Couplet 4. Tr ...
The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace. Tag. May He give you Peace. Tag. May He give you peace. Autres arrangements de ce chant. The Blessing Living Room Sessions. The Blessing The Worship Initiative.
Come worship Christ Jesus the King Come bow before The true Prince of Peace Let Heaven and Earth Come together and sing Praise to the Lord Most High All glory to Jesus Christ. Verse 2. With all of our hearts All of our minds All of our souls And all our strength With heavenly host Angels and saints Come and extol And give Him praise.
Hillsong Worship - The Peace Project. Aperçu dans Apple Music Aperçu dans Spotify Tous les chants de The Peace Project Plus de Hillsong Worship. I Intro. C1 Couplet 1. Bd Breakdown. R Refrain. It Interlude. C2 Couplet 2. R Refrain. Is Instrumental. P1 Pont 1. P2 Pont 2. Is Instrumental. C3 Couplet 3. R Refrain. Bo Boucle. F Finale. Version ...
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