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No Place Like Home (Live in Nashville) de Anne Wilson

No Place Like Home (Live in Nashville)

Anne Wilson - My Jesus (Anniversary Deluxe)

C1Couplet 1
PRPré Refrain 1
ArAccords de retour
C2Couplet 2
PRPré Refrain 1
ArAccords de retour
ArAccords de retour
C3Couplet 3
PRPré Refrain 2
AbAccords en boucle
C4Couplet 4
PRPré Refrain 3
IfIntro en finale
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
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Couplet 1

Couldn't wait for Friday 3 p.m.
You picked me up we were gone again
Truck tires on a dirt road
Kentucky hills out the window
Didn't stop 'til we got to Wilson Farm
We were kings and queens
The world was ours
Running wild through the wheat fields
Thinking this is how free feels

Pré Refrain 1

Laughing as we go
There's no place like home

Couplet 2

Up to high point mountain
We would climb
You'd tell me your dreams
I'd tell you mine
Wonder if you ever knew
How much I was looking up to you
You played me all your favorite songs
Why you let your little sister tag along
I'll never know but I'm glad you did
I wish we were still those kids

Pré Refrain 1

Laughing as we go
There's no place like home


The trouble with time
Is it won't slow down
How I wish it would
The trouble with Earth
Is I can't bring you back
God I wish I could


But I look up at the stars
When I'm missing you the most
And this aching in my heart
Is what reminds me
There's no place like home

Couplet 3

I still take the same old Friday drive
Pretend you're right there by my side
Climb high point mountain without you
But it ain't the same without you
Preacher talks about a better place
Where all our tears will be wiped away
A healing for this brokenness
No more longing for the ones we miss

Pré Refrain 2

But you already know
There's no place like home


The trouble with time
Is it won't slow down
How I wish it would
The trouble with Earth
Is I can't bring you back
God I wish I could


But I look up at the stars
When I'm missing you the most
And this aching in my heart
Is what reminds me
There's no place like home

Couplet 4

I stopped by to talk to you today
And touch the stone where you were laid
Right next to grandpa's barn
But I know that's not where you are

Pré Refrain 3

It fills my heart with hope
There's no place like home

Intro en finale

There's no place like home
There's no place like home


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Mix Plus

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