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Wave Of Passion de CRC Music

Wave Of Passion

CRC Music - For His Glory

C1Couplet 1
PrPré refrain
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
ArAccords de retour
C2Couplet 2
PrPré refrain
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
IfIntro en finale
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

I can feel it burnin'
Deep inside my bones
I can feel Your fire
Stirrin' up my soul

Pré refrain

I feel a wave of passion
Crushin' over me
I hear the sound of heaven
It sets me free

Refrain 1

I am divin'
Into Your living waters
A love so overwhelming
Jesus take me deeper

Refrain 2

I'm not gonna stay in the shallow
I'm not gonna be afraid no
With You I will walk on water
Into the deep I go I go

Couplet 2

More than a moment
More than a song we bring
I'm in love with the presence
I'm in love with the joy it brings

Pré refrain

I feel a wave of passion
Crushin' over me
I hear the sound of heaven
It sets me free

Refrain 1

I am divin'
Into Your living waters
A love so overwhelming
Jesus take me deeper

Refrain 2

I'm not gonna stay in the shallow
I'm not gonna be afraid no
With You I will walk on water
Into the deep I go I go


I got a light in the dark of the night
I got a river that will never run dry
I got a well that's stirrin' inside
I feel Your heartbeat beatin' in mine


I got a light in the dark of the night
I got a river that will never run dry
I got a well that's stirrin' inside
I feel Your heart


I got a light in the dark of the night
I got a river that will never run dry
I got a well that's stirrin' inside
I feel Your heartbeat beatin' in mine

Refrain 1

I am divin'
Into Your living waters
A love so overwhelming
Jesus take me deeper

Refrain 2

I'm not gonna stay in the shallow
I'm not gonna be afraid no
With You I will walk on water
Into the deep I go I go


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Chant original


Mix Plus

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