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The Nicene Creed de Glenn Packiam

The Nicene Creed

Glenn Packiam - The Mystery Of Faith

AbAccords en boucle
AbAccords en boucle
AbAccords en boucle
AbAccords en boucle
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Accords en boucle

We believe in one God
The Father the Almighty
Maker of heaven and earth
Of all that is seen and unseen
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ
The only Son of God
Eternally begotten of the Father
God from God Light from Light
True God from true God

Accords en boucle

Begotten not made
Of one Being with the Father
Through Him all things were made
For us and for our salvation
He came down from heaven
By the power of the Holy Spirit
He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary
And was made man
For our sake He was crucified
Under Pontius Pilate
He suffered death and was buried
On the third day he rose again

Accords en boucle

In accordance with the Scriptures
He ascended into heaven
And is seated
At the right hand of the Father
He will come again in glory
To judge the living and the dead
And His kingdom will have no end
We believe in the Holy Spirit
The Lord the giver of life
Who proceeds from the Father
With the Father and the Son
He is worshipped and glorified
He has spoken through the Prophets

Accords en boucle

We believe in one holy
Catholic and apostolic Church
We acknowledge one baptism
For the forgiveness of sins
We look for the resurrection of the dead
And the life of the world to come amen


Alleluia what a Savior
Alleluia what a Savior


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Mix Plus

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