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You Were There de Sidewalk Prophets

You Were There

Sidewalk Prophets - The Things That Got Us Here

C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
R1Refrain 1
ArAccords de retour
C3Couplet 3
R1Refrain 1
RmRefrain modifié
C4Couplet 4
R2Refrain 2
RmRefrain modifié
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

In the third grade musical I played
The outlaw brother of
Jesse James you were cheering
In the sixth grade
I got bullied some
Said that I was fine but
When the tears would come
You were holding
On me

Couplet 2

In the marching band
I stepped in time
To the beat of a rhythm
That I felt inside
You were moving
Mowing my backyard
With the walkman on
I would listen
To my favorite songs
You were singing
Along with me

Refrain 1

All this time
You were there
By my side
You were everywhere
On and on the years go by
Through the darkest days
To the brightest nights
In every moment
You were there

Couplet 3

October evening in my dorm
Watched the sunset fade
And felt reborn
You were speaking
Without a word
Then we wrote some songs
And we hit the road
In a bright blue van
No matter where we'd go
You were driving
You were driving me

Refrain 1

All this time
You were there
By my side
You were everywhere
On and on the years go by
Through the darkest days
To the brightest nights
In every moment
You were there

Refrain modifié

Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh


In my future in my past
Up ahead or looking back
God I know that You'll be here
'Cause You were there

Couplet 4

My wife and I drove in our car
Where the island ends
And the universe starts
By Your majesty
In that still small moment we could see
The edge of this whole galaxy
No reason to look back
When You're surrounding me

Refrain 2

All this time
You're still here
By my side
You are everywhere

Refrain modifié

Ooh Ooh
Ooh Ooh


In my future in my past
Up ahead or looking back
God I know that You'll be here
'Cause You were there


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Chant original


Mix Plus

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