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Honey in the Rock de The Worship Initiative

Honey in the Rock

The Worship Initiative - Sunday Setlist #3

R1Refrain 1
AbAccords en boucle
C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
RmRefrain modifié
C3Couplet 3
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
P1Pont 1
P2Pont 2
P1Pont 1
P2Pont 2
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
RmRefrain modifié
IfIntro en finale
IfIntro en finale
IfIntro en finale
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Refrain 1

There’s honey in the rock
Water in the stone
Manna on the ground
No matter where I go
I don’t need to worry
Now that I know
Everything I need You’ve got
There’s honey in the rock

Couplet 1

Praying for a miracle
For the Living Well
Only You can satisfy

Couplet 2

Sweetness at the mercy seat
Now I’ve tasted
It’s not hard to see
Only You can satisfy

Refrain modifié

There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock

Couplet 3

Freedom where the
Spirit is bounty
In the wilderness
You will always satisfy

Refrain 1

There’s honey in the rock
Water in the stone
Manna on the ground
No matter where I go
I don’t need to worry
Now that I know
Everything I need You’ve got

Refrain 2

Theres honey in the rock
Purpose in Your plan
Power in the blood
Healing in Your hands
Started flowing when
You said it is done
Everything You did’s enough

Pont 1

I keep looking
I keep finding
You keep giving
Keep providing
I have all that I need
You are all that I need

Pont 2

I keep praying
You keep moving
I keep praising
You keep proving
I have all that I need
You are all that I need

Pont 1

I keep looking
I keep finding
You keep giving
Keep providing
I have all that I need
You are all that I need

Pont 2

I keep praying
You keep moving
I keep praising
You keep proving
I have all that I need
You are all that I need


I have all that I need
You are all that I need

Refrain 1

There’s honey in the rock
Water in the stone
Manna on the ground
No matter where I go
I don’t need to worry
Now that I know
Everything I need You’ve got

Refrain 2

Theres honey in the rock
Purpose in Your plan
Power in the blood
Healing in Your hands
Started flowing when
You said it is done
Everything You did’s enough

Refrain modifié

There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock
There’s honey in the rock

Intro en finale

How sweet how sweet it is
To trust in You Jesus


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